
Dating > Hrvatska

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Manjak liječnika bi za Hrvatsku mogao biti dugoročan problem, na što upozorava sve manji interes mladih za studij , jer se godine za jedno upisno mjesto natjecalo sedam, a danas svega 2,2 kandidata. Croatia has been the home of many , like , , , and , as well as scientists, such as , , , , , , , , , and. En outre, à chaque niveau d'organisation territoriale municipalité, villes, županije correspond un transfert de compétences de l'État vers le type de collectivité considérée, régi par la Loi sur l'autonomie locale du. Knez Bernardin Frankapan na njemačkom državnom saboru u poziva na pomoć Hrvatskoj nazivajući je štitom kršćanstva. Among the scientific institutes operating in Croatia, the largest is the in Zagreb. Law enforcement agencies are organised under the authority of the which consist primarily of the national police force. U Hrvatskoj trenutačno studira oko 170. Djeluje i devetnaest , od kojih je sedamnaest privatnih. Stanovnici priobalja su bili poznati po brodograditeljskom i pomorskom umijeću. Izravna strana ulaganja u Hrvatsku, prema podacima -a, u razdoblju od do lipnja godine iznose 11,2 milijarde eura. In accordance with its immigration policy, Croatia is trying to entice emigrants to return.

View of the town Kostajnica was first mentioned in the document by knights templar from 1240. This year is used as official birth year of this historic town. Time of the first settlement is unknown, but town lies on very important Roman roads that were used for transporting salt and cotton. Since Roman roads were merged in the vicinity of the city it is believed that settlement dates much earlier than the first written document known today. Five Roman milestones were located in the city dating back to the 3rd century A. During 13th and 14th century Kostajnica became a fortification kaštel that was built as a protection against invading. The owners of the fortification were members of the noble families Lipovečki, Tot, , Benvenjud and finally , so the castle is today known as Stari grad Zrinski in. Other forts existing during that period were in the surrounding villages of Komogovina, , and Prevršac. After, Commander of the Hrvatska Kostajnica was Prince and Duke Luke Novosel of Croatia and Slavonia part. The Turks invaded Kostajnica in 1556 and it wasn't until 1687 that the town was liberated. During the early 18th century two schools are opened in the city. Kostajnica is known for its natural springs such as; Varoški Bunar, Mrzlenac, Tekija, Pekinac, Paunovac, Angelovac, and Tutulovac. During Hrvatska Kostajnica was bombed by American forces on May 30, 1944. Kostajnica suffered greatly during the. A large part of the Croatian population were expelled or killed by rebel in 1991 and the city was into the. Houses and buildings belonging to Croats were burned and looted, including the church, the medieval apothecary, and the eighteenth-century monastery. The only piece of the city's cultural heritage left was the castle by the river built by the. Kostajnica was put back in Croatian control following military victories by the army in August 1995, and the Croat population expelled slowly began returning. Population of Hrvatska Kostajnica town by ethicity Year of census total others 2011 2 756 1 911 69.

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